Monthly Archives: May 2014

Memorial Day: In Honor of American Patriots / Don’t Take Liberty for Granted

Header – May 25, 2014

“Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives.” –John Adams

In Honor of American Patriots

Memorial Day is reserved to honor the service and sacrifice of generations of now-departed American Patriots, those of our Armed Services who held fast to their sacred oaths “to support and defend” the Liberty enshrined in our Constitution. Accordingly, please visit our tribute page to fallen American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen.

On Monday, flags should be flown at half-staff until noon, your local time. Observe a moment of silence at 3:00 p.m. local time for remembrance and prayer. Please give a personal word of gratitude and comfort to surviving family members who grieve for a beloved warrior.

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” –John 15:13

“What do you think of when you see a little American flag in front of a Veteran’s headstone? Let me tell you about one flag. As a fighter pilot on my 93rd mission over North Vietnam, my F-105 was hit by an air-to-air missile and my Electronic Warfare Officer Harold Johnson and I, were forced to eject. After unsuccessful rescue attempts, we were captured by enemy forces and imprisoned in the infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ for the next six years. One day in our sixth year of imprisonment, a young Navy pilot named Mike Campbell found a piece of cloth in a gutter. After we collected some other small rags, he worked secretly at night to piece them together into a flag. He made red from ground-up roof tiles and blue from tiny amounts of ink, then used rice glue to paste the colors onto the rags. Using thread from his blanket and a homemade bamboo needle, he sewed the pieces together, adding white fragments for stars. One morning he whispered from the back of our cell, ‘Hey gang, look here,’ and proudly held up that tattered American flag, waving it as if in a breeze. We all snapped to attention and saluted – with tears in our eyes. A week later, the guards were searching our cells and found Mike’s flag. That night they pulled him out of the cell and, for his simple gesture of patriotism, they tortured him. At daylight they pushed what was left of Mike back through the cell door. Today, whenever I see our flag, I think of Mike and the morning he first waved that tattered emblem of our great nation. It was then, thousands of miles from home, imprisoned by a brutal enemy, that he courageously demonstrated the liberty it represents, and that is what I see in every American flag today.”

Col. Leo K. Thorsness (USAF Ret.), Medal of Honor, POW – Vietnam (1967-1973)

Don’t Take Liberty for Granted

May 24, 2014 By Rebecca Hagelin

May 26 is Memorial Day. We often think of it in terms of a three day weekend more than anything else. I want to challenge you to truly celebrate Memorial Day with your family this year.

As we consider how to honor our lost servicemen and women, it is only appropriate to look to the story of the greatest sacrifice of all time.

The most decisive victory of all mankind was earned by the sacrifice of one man. Jesus Christ purchased the fullest freedom we can experience this side of Heaven. In the Garden of Gethsemane, just before He was crucified, Jesus prayed, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine” (Matthew 26:39). No soldier, marine, airman or sailor desires death. But every single one of them has made the ultimate sacrifice already – they have laid down their own wills for a higher one. And for many, that sacrifice meant the laying down of their lives as well.

Christians gather together to take communion to remember Jesus’ body broken and blood poured out, His life offered up on our behalf.

Taking communion is a powerful act that serves a bigger purpose than remembrance alone. In the same way, Memorial Day holds deeper significance than merely remembering.

Before communion, we are supposed to search our hearts. What sins have I not brought to the light? Who do I need to forgive? Who do I need to seek forgiveness from? Communion is an invitation to survey the true condition of our souls, and initiate reconciliation and healing within the church.

What better way is there to honor those who died to preserve this country than to stop and consider the state of our nation? How have we taken our freedom for granted? Are we still, truly, the land of the free and the home of the brave? Would those who gave their lives in generations past be proud or dismayed? Where is tyranny or oppression sneaking in and how can we eradicate it? What are the weaknesses and threats and how can we turn them into strengths?

Even though Christ already purchased freedom for us from the tyranny of our sinful natures, we remember His sacrifice, in part, to be encouraged. We reflect on the truth that the war has been won – that we know good conquers evil – and we are strengthened. It increases our resolve to keep fighting our small daily battles to maintain our freedom. We must choose daily to walk in the freedom Jesus purchased.

Though our mortal victories could never compare to the victory Christ secured on the cross, the victories won by the honored men and women who gave their lives for our country should always be remembered and honored. It is so important that we remember them and reflect on why they gave their lives. Then we, as a nation, will be strengthened and encouraged.

This Memorial Day is the perfect time to teach your children about the high price of freedom. And it offers a golden opportunity for each one of us to amp up our own resolve to fight the small daily battles against all enemies both foreign and domestic, so that those battles might never turn into a bloody battlefield.

Read the rest..

A Letter To Andrew M. Cuomo: Leave us and the U.S. Constitution alone. we don’t need your misguided SAFE act

A Letter To Andrew M. Cuomo


To Post-Journal the Readers’ Forum:

Sitting here at my desk I am thinking of two great men. One was mounting up 239 years ago. That would be Paul Revere. Maybe no longer … but I was taught in school that his ride was to warn other patriots of the British marching towards Lexington to confiscate the arms there and hopefully apprehend Sam Adams and John Hancock. All Americans owe Paul Revere. Seems his ride relates to 2014 in America.

The second man is my father. Among the many things he taught me was firearm safety beginning when I was very young. About the time I was starting school he began gradually teaching me about his guns. He drilled into me that they were to be handled with only the utmost respect. He said there was a right way and a wrong way to handle them. If I would listen, learn and do as instructed, one day I would be able to use them to hunt, target practice and use for protection. This would only happen if I displayed personal responsibility- that was 60 years ago. Dad did a good job, I am still a responsible gun owner.

Now here we are in New York State. It is 2014 and you seem to think you need to control everyone that owns a firearm. Why are trying to turn me and the other 6,000,000 gun owners in NYS into bad guys?

Your elected position does not give you the authority to ignore the United States Constitution. You have bodyguards whose job it is to protect you and your family. This may surprise you but I am my family’s bodyguard. Your S.A.F.E. Act does only one thing that I can see – appears to make we responsible gun owners look like the problem. Bad guys/criminals do not care how many laws you pass.

This is not rocket science, Mr. Cuomo.

How many criminals have turned in and/or registered their guns. Have they started limiting the number of rounds in their magazines, have they removed their telescoping stocks, etc.?

The next time there is a car accident or an arson incident will you blame and begin regulating GM. Ford or Zippo?

Try addressing the issue of personal responsibility. Leave us and the U.S. Constitution alone. Thanks just the same, but we don’t need your misguided help.

Girard Ruff
