Daily Archives: April 13, 2014

YES YES, County Resolution Pending: Support Necessary Reforms to ridiculous New York (Scaffold) Labor Law


TITLE: Supporting Necessary Reforms to New York Labor Law

AT THE REQUEST OF: Chairman Gould, Legislators Borrello, Himelein, Runkle and Wilfong, and County Executive Horrigan

WHEREAS, New York Labor Law §240 and §241, commonly known as the "Scaffold Law," outlines liability for injuries caused by an employee’s fall from a height; and

WHEREAS, the laws impose strict liability on employers and owners of building if a worker falls from any height; and

WHEREAS, the law was first imposed in 1885 at a time when worker safety was largely neglected in New York State and at a time when modern safety equipment and scaffolding techniques did not exist; and

WHEREAS, the Scaffold Law has caused a dramatic increase in construction costs due to increased insurance required for employers in the construction business, causing New York State to have the highest general liability insurance costs in the nation; and

WHEREAS, the Scaffold Law is a boon to personal injury lawyers as half of the 30 largest law suits in the state stem from Scaffold Law issues and while scaffold related injuries have decreased in the past 20 years the number of Scaffold Law claims has increased 500 percent; and

WHEREAS, New York is the only state in the country to impose a construction law like the Scaffold Law that imposes strict liability on the employer; further it is one of a very few laws that mandate strict liability in the State of New York; and

WHEREAS, the increase in costs in New York drives away investment in our infrastructure when developers and contractors can get better rates in other states; and

WHEREAS, not only does the law drive away out-of-state investment in infrastructure but the lost investment to other states also serves to decrease the number of new construction jobs created every year, making it more difficult for many of New York’s skilled laborers to find appropriate employment; and

WHEREAS, recent studies by SUNY’s Nelson Rockefeller Institute of Government suggests that workers are more likely to be injured due to the current version of the Scaffold Law; and

WHEREAS, this was based off statistics on construction injuries in Illinois that show a decrease in work related injuries since the 1995 repeal of its Scaffold Law at a much quicker pace than here in New York; and

WHEREAS, following the removal of the Illinois Scaffold Law, the state also found an increase in the number of construction jobs created on an annual basis; and

WHEREAS, comparative negligence standards would help maintain worker safety while decreasing some of the insurance costs related to implementation of the current Scaffold Law; and

WHEREAS, this negligence standard under the Scaffold Law would not ban recovery for an injured worker due to their own negligence, but would allow the employer to bring issues with employee culpability to mitigate the damages in cases where the worker’s actions contributed to his or her injury; and

WHEREAS, federal regulations have been enacted that attempt to protect workers from injury by falls by requiring certain precautions to be in place for people working at height and allows an outlet for workers concerned about their safety to engage federal review of any worksite for compliance with these regulations.


KNOWN, That the Chautauqua County Legislature is strongly in support of the Scaffold Law reform as well as meaningful protection of construction workers; and be it further

KNOWN, That the Chautauqua County Legislature supports the New York Legislature’s bills S111 (Gallivan) and A03104 (Morelle) which seek to impose comparative liability standards for work place accidents involving falls from height; and be it further

MOVED, That the Clerk of the Legislature shall forward certified copies of this Motion to Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, Senator Catharine Young, Assemblyman Andrew Goodell, Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb, the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) and all others deemed necessary and proper.

Keep fighting against the unSAFE Act Assemblyman Goodell, you are absolutely right, we are right, hopefully right will prevail in the courts, and one day soon(er than later) our God given universal inalienable constitutional rights will be restored!

State Assembly SAFE Act reforms shot down by committee

ObserverToday April 13, 2014

Assemblyman Andy Goodell continues to push for repeal of the SAFE Act, despite another setback this week as the Slimey Silver led Democrat majority blocks reforms. A Monday meeting of the State Assembly’s Codes Committee left many disappointed after bills to amend Go…