Monthly Archives: March 2014

Horrigan delivers his first State of the County address | Chautauqua Today


Legislators OK Contract With Correction Officers

April 1st Rally in Albany against the unconstitutional (un)SAFE Act

Shooters Committee On Political Education:Rally in Albany 

Guest Speaker Donald Trump

April 1st Rally in Albany – Bus Information 

Did Your REPEAL Sign Survive the Winter of 2014?  (see what some dedicated members did to make sure they did.)

SCOPE Asks Candidates to sign a pledge to Repeal SAFE Act

Remember these facts: There are 15,100,000 eligible voters in New York State.

In Cuomo’s last victory, 4,770,000 total votes were cast. 2,911,616 went to Cuomo. There are 6,000,000 gun owners in New York State or 3 million more gun owners than Cuomo voters. Get Up! Get Out! Make it happen!

More and More Counties are passing resolutions opposing the use of their county seal on SAFE Act documents.


April 15th  Registration Deadline for what the state defines as Assault Weapons

Must read: State Police Field Guide for NY S.A.F.E. Act Enforcement

April 19th  Shot Heard Around the U.S.

 NY SAFE Act Educational Forums!

Other News!

Shot Heard Round New York is on Again! April 19th. Help us make it go Nation Wide!
Judge Rules on S.A.F.E. Act  
A legal gun-owning homeowner defending himself from an illegally armed invader, a situation in which the individual right to bear arms is at its zenith, should not be at a numerical disadvantage if shots are exchanged with someone who will have no regard for legal round limits.  – Judge William M. Skretny
SCOPE remains dedicated to protecting your civil rights.  While the federal court decision was not entirely as the firearm community would have liked, it is very important to remember that the decision was from a single judge - just as what happened in  the Heller and McDonald cases that made their way to the United States Supreme Court. Also, court decisions can be legislatively overruled as well.

Legacy SCOPE web site JOIN SCOPE  Today

Stay up to date on the Law Suits against NY S.A.F.E.

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Got a yard sign?Repeal the SAFE Act Yard SignNEW! Magnetic signs.


Stay Informed:Get news and instant alerts on the latest events, laws, and politics that affect New York gun rights or lack thereof. Sign up for Alerts!

SCOPEs Legislative Alert Center

STTPP: Gov Cuomo, Legislators-On YOUR watch,are you willing to sacrifice a generation of children,and abandon 200 years of federalism and states’ rights established in our US and NYS Constitutions,for sake of the constitutionally illegal Common Core?


A publication of Southern Tier TEA Party Patriots

March 2014, No. 30

Governor Cuomo and Legislators:

On YOUR watch, are you willing to sacrifice a generation of children,

and abandon more than 200 years of federalism and states’ rights

established in our United States and NY State Constitutions,

for sake of the constitutionally illegal Common Core?


James E. Cottrell, Wade S. Norwood, Christina D. Cea—recognize these names? These individuals were re-elected to the Board of Regents by our Legislature (Josephine Victoria Finn was elected to replace Regent James Jackson). Along with the other members of the board, these re-elected members violated our Constitution and laws. They aided and abetted the federal government in usurping education in our state—yet, they were re-elected! All were responsible for implementation of the constitutionally illegal Common Core subterfuge. Their continuance on the board ensures that the illegal Common Core will remain in our public schools—unless action is taken by a responsible governor and legislature. Critically, handwriting is on the wall that there will be complete federal control of New York education, and it will be tied to annual federal funding unless there is state legislative intervention to repeal Common Core.

Where was the backbone of the majority legislature who voted to re-elect Regent lawbreakers? Isn’t breaking our laws considered criminal action? Aren’t we a state and nation where Rule of Law is the basis for our government? Members of Southern Tier TEA Party Patriots are law-abiding citizens who know well that All—that includes governor, legislators, Board of Regents, commissioner of education—are subject to Rule of Law. Why was there no outcry, then, against this illegal grab of our educational system? Money and politics played a key role in federal usurpation of education in New York State. Yes, education in New York needs improvement, but not through illegality and political and economic expedience.

A New York legislator stated students under Common Core, regardless of their geographical location or economic status, will have access to an “education that is consistently held to a national standard.” Unfortunately, the national standards are weak and not up to par with other developed countries that far surpass our state and nation academically. A diverse nation needs models of excellence, not an illegitimate “one size fits all.” Under Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Massachusetts ranked number one in our country. Tragically, Massachusetts lowered its standards to comply with Common Core. Pathetic!

Common Core English Language Arts is poor, weak, and politically biased. Legislators are putting their heads in the sand if they think it will raise academic achievement to any significant level. Why have we abandoned English, History, and Geography as individual subjects? Or, individual science courses as subjects? These were courses in the past that truly educated our youth! Art and music? Gone from many schools. Common Core expense is overwhelming school budgets and taxpayers.

Common Core EngageNY Mathematics is ELA’s partner in weakness—maybe even worse. It is a badly conceived program inflicted on our children and grandchildren. In reality, it is an example of an incompetent instructional mathematics program. Dr. Jason Zimba is not an inept person—that is, in his field of physics where he holds a Ph.D.—but he is inept when it comes to writing a math curriculum for young children and beyond. He had no prior experience in working with, nor writing curricula for, young children. He does not know how young children learn! This is demonstrated repeatedly throughout his program (see below for Common Core problem’s 10-step solution versus a 1-step traditional solution, solved by a frustrated parent).

In March, Brookings Institute released its 2014 Brown Center Report: “A Progress Report on the Common Core.” Note: their words are important because Brookings is regarded as a liberal-leaning organization:

[A] statistically significant finding from an analysis of state-level NAEP scores, the variation among states being relatively small, often fades to insignificance when considered in the more practical, real world terms of how much math students are learning. It is doubtful that even the most ardent Common Core supporter will be satisfied if the best CCSS can a three point NAEP gain [emphases added] (p. 34).

The report continues:

The 2012 Brown Center Report predicted, based on an empirical analysis of the effects of state standards, that the CCSS will have little to no impact on student achievement. Supporters of the Common Core argue that strong, effective implementation of the standards will sweep away such skepticism by producing lasting, significant gains in student learning. So far, at least…there are no signs of such an impressive accomplishment [emphases added] (p. 34).

Isn’t it your responsibility as governor and legislators of New York State, your legal duty, your moral obligation to ensure that the children of New York State receive the best STATE education that can be rendered? We know what solid education looks like—and—we know the kind of teaching and learning that is required for its achievement! It’s not more and more money. All we need do is look to countries who far out-perform us and see how much lower is their per-pupil-cost.

It’s not computers, ipads, and optical wiring of buildings. These are incredibly expensive to purchase and maintain, and research reports that they have done nothing to raise achievement levels. In fact, achievement testing scores flat-lined after these were implemented. And, please, do not use the tired argument that this is how 21st century youth learn best because that’s a convenient cop out. Teachers and administrators simply capitulated to yet another Fad that lurched down the pike. Unfortunately, fad-lurching has a less-than-stellar (read as, miserable) history for promoting excellence in education. Moreover, it’s not extracurricular sports. These only add to the taxpayer bill without adding a single iota to achievement levels. And, it’s not teaching through fun and games, team teaching, and other gimmicky “engagement” activities, currently labeled as the “new” way of teaching.

Governor and Legislators, isn’t it time to uphold our New York State Constitution and laws, repay Race To The Top money, and repeal Common Core?

Written by Deann Nelson, Ed.D. for Southern Tier TEA Party Patriots

Box 244, Jamestown, NY 14701

Common Core Math Problem Solved by Frustrated Parent

"Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." –Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791